Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This is a Dropbox folder found on a Mac.  

This object is representational in that it looks like a real paper folder and the multidimensional look to it makes it feel like you can physically put something in the folder. The shadows and gradients really add to the realness of the folder. The designer even included a textured paper look to it. The role this representational aspect plays in the whole design is it really lets the user know that this is an icon capable of “holding” other files. It is slightly open so it looks inviting unlike a closed folder or a zipped-file.  This relates to the Abstract level in that it gives the abstraction enough character to feel inviting, yet it does not distract from the simple form of the abstraction. This level relates to the Symbolic level in that it gives the Dropbox logo a place to reside. There is also a representational bevel added onto the symbolic logo that makes it look like someone etched it in stone giving it a high quality look to it.

The abstract aspect of this design is what lets people understand what it is. The abstraction of office supplies was developed partially by Apple and partially by Xerox. That is why we call a desktop a desktop and a folder a folder. The abstraction of an every day object like a folder is genius because the user already has an idea of use attached to a physical folder and having this folder icon lets the user utilize their every day knowledge; therefore, enabling them to automatically understand how to interact with this digital file system. There is also know wrinkles, visible folds, or writing on the upper part of the file leaving a simplified folder. This relates to the representational aspect in that it gives the representational level a basic outline for placing the gradients and shadows. This relates to the Symbolic level because the combination of the abstracted folder and the symbolic logo creates an obvious meaning to the user. It demonstrates the usage to the user.

The symbolic aspect of this icon is the drop box logo on the folder. It lets the user know that this folder is specifically a ‘Dropbox’ folder. This is important to the whole design because without it, the user would know have an efficient way of mentally separating the folder from all of the other blue folders on their screen. The representational aspect tied with the symbolic logo gives the folder a sophisticated look because sometimes-plain logos are boring, but now with the added realistic textures, the simple logo is now more interesting.   The abstract logo works well with the abstract folder in that the logo categorizes the folder into a specific type of folder in the user’s head.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This picture of a bandaid is as realistic looking as it gets. This picture communicates that it has padding covered by an elastic sticky coating.

This abstraction of two bandaids shows that you probably need to bandaids to get the job done. It communicates it by having the bandaids overlap.

The symbol of this logo most likely is derived from the image of bloody Band-Aids that are crossed. 
I was pretty impressed that they thought of it. I actually never noticed it until I started this project!