Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Basic Elements

Link for pictures:

Picture 1:
The active element in this picture is shape. The circle totally dominates the picture.  The purpose this circle serves is to house the X, which is part of the logo.  The circle here stands out so much because of the stark contrast with the wave behind it. The basic X shape is made from the negative shape. If you squint your eyes, everything else fades away except for the new OS X logo fades away. 

Picture 2:
The active element in this webpage is dimension. The skewed angle of the iPad really gives it a 3D look. Because there are not any shadows underneath it, it looks like the bottom right corner is popping out at the user.  This iPad is shot at below the eye level and is on a two-point perspective plane. More light is casted on the bottom right corner of this iPad and shadows are cast on the back part of the iPad to really enhance the 3-D look.  They want to achieve that look because it makes the user feel like they can reach out and touch it and start using it right there.  The way they dimensioned the iPad really makes it look bigger than everything else which brings the attention straight to it.

Picture 3:
Color is the active element on this webpage. It is highly saturated and is just bright enough to really make the color blue pop in this picture without washing out all of the color. The blue color is very calming and soothing to look at. They may have chosen this blue to make the user think of the sky on a really nice day. This has a hue of blue making it very soft looking. This is also a primary color! 

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